Degrees >> Programs >> Description - (extended)

Highlights for Counselors

    Counselors help people choose and take the best course of action in a bad situation, by dealing with their emotions. Counselors usually specialise in an area such as relationships, drug addiction or family problems.


    listening to and questioning clients to assess their situation. This includes encouraging clients to talk about themselves, what is happening, and what they would like happen

    responding to clients immediately and/or after some research

    discussing changes that could be made, how they could be made, and the consequences of those changes

    supporting clients in making decisions and taking the necessary steps to actualise these decisions

    referring clients to medical specialists where necessary

    researching areas of interest

    Counselors should be skilled in analysing and evaluating human behaviour. They should be quite intuitive and enjoy communicating with and helping people. Consellors need to keep positive and professional when dealing with patients. Sound research skills are important, as is a good understanding of human behaviour and development, relationships, and various cultures and lifestyles. Good Counselors will keep up-to-date with counselling theories and techniques. They should also be in the loop on social trends and issues in order to relate to their clients. Persistence and patience will always come in handy.

    No institution of higher learning in Malaysia offers a degree or diploma in counselling, though counselling may be offered as part of broader qualifications such as a degree in psycology. Most Counselors attend short courses offered by NGOs and government departments. Previous experience as a social worker is useful, as is any sort of work that involves helping or caring for people.